JUMP TODigiTaxBusinessesGet eTIMS information on the businessgetGet a list of business branchesgetItemsCreate an itempostGet list of items owned by the businessgetUpdate an itemputGet a specific itemgetCustomersGet a list of business customersgetSave business customerpostGet a business customergetUpdate a business customerputImportsGet list of import items received from eTIMSgetLink import item to an item in DigitaxputPurchasesGet list of purchases pulled from eTIMS.getGet specific purchasegetLink purchase item to itempostSalesAdd salepostGet salesgetAdd sale with item informationpostAdd express credit notepostAdd credit note with item bar codespostAdd credit notepostGet credit notesgetGet sale (including credit note)getOffline url for salesgetStockTransfer stock to another businessespostAdjust item stockputNoticesGet list of KRA notices for businessgetInvoice verificationVerify an invoicepostGet invoice verificationsgetPowered by Get list of items owned by the businessget https://api.digitax.tech/ke/v2/itemsGet list of items owned by the business