Transaction status

DigiTax Queueing system

DigiTax provides the following:

  • Asynchronous functionality that automatically retries Smart Invoice.
  • Get notifications on transaction statuses via Callback URLs
  • Throttling traffic between the businesses throughput and Smart Invoice.

These functionality is possible due to the DigiTax Queueing system.


You don't run the risk of double-entry

Every transaction that interacts with Smart Invoice is first off entered into the DigiTax Queueing system to mitigate against possible Smart Invoice intermittency and downtime or slow response rate.

The different transaction statuses and what they mean

Since transactions are first off entered into the DigiTax Queueing system, we give you the following statuses. This is what they mean.

Transaction statuses

queuedDigiTax Queueing system is queued after trying to reach Smart InvoiceCheck in later. If you set up Callback URLs, we'll post to your system when the Smart Invoice sync is done.
un_queuedDigiTax Queueing system is unqueued after trying to reach Smart InvoiceCheck in later. If you set up Callback URLs , we'll post to your system when the Smart Invoice sync is done.
in_progressDigiTax Queueing system is in progress after trying to reach Smart InvoiceCheck in later
completedSmart Invoice has received and accepted the transaction and we have the final dataFor ITEM: You can now create a sale with this item
For SALE: You have the receipt_url hence can generate the QR code.
failedSmart Invoice rejected the transactionPlease initiate another transaction.
pausedDigiTax Queueing system is paused after trying to reach Smart Invoice. The queue will be unpaused in the backgroundCheck in later. If you set up Callback URLs , we'll post to your system when the Smart Invoice sync is done
submittedSmart Invoice has received and accepted the transaction however we do not have the final data from their system. Though this is unlikely, we have a work around to get the data.If you don't have an receipt_url kindly initiate a chat with us when this happens.