Offline URLs


To promptly update a customer to a business about a sale progress sync to KRA, DigiTax has a new Promise URL feature. Meaning that when integrating, you can formulate a QR code immediately to mitigate the following scenarios where:

  • your system is running offline
  • your system has intermittent connection to DigiTax API
  • there's extended downtime on eTIMS and we have not resolved the transaction on the DigiTax API side


The Offline URL is in the format:<business_id>/<trader_invoice_number>


How do I get my business_id?

The business_id is the alphanumeric value in the path when logged into the dashboard and viewing your business account.


If your URL is
clqthjtvg0001l7 (which is after the ".../apps/") would be the business_id.

My DigiTax business_id

My DigiTax business_id

What is the trader_invoice_number?

The trader_invoice_number is the alphanumeric identifier you generate or pick from your system to tie an invoice in your records (or system records) with an invoice on DigiTax and consequently on eTIMS.

A maximum of 50 characters is allowed!


Currently, for offline URL to work the <trader_invoice_number> should only have characters that are safe to use in URLs without URL encoding.

These are:

  • Alphanumeric characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9
  • Hyphen: -
  • Underscore: _
  • Period (dot): .
  • Tilde: ~

We'll release an update that allow other characters.

Completed status

If the transaction is complete, like the one above, you have a link to view the eTIMS verification.
URL of a complete transaction:

See screenshot below.

Offline URL: Completed status

Offline URL: Completed status

Other statuses

If the transaction is not complete, like the one below, you do not get a link to view the eTIMS verification.

Offline URL: Failed status

Offline URL: Failed status

Offline URL: Submitted status

Offline URL: Submitted status